In the English dictionary, the word Mime is "the art or technique of portraying a character, mood, idea, or narration by gestures and bodily movements". The art of Mime dates back to the fourth century B.C, in ancient Greece, where it was performed on a stage wearing a mask.
(Picture depicting early forms of Mime in ancient Greece.)
Mime was a very popular form of entertainment, and utilized both drama and comedy. This popular art form soon spread and gained popularity around Rome as well.
In the sixteenth century, mime grew to a new level. Forms of Mime were taken to Italy, and spawned in new genres of art, such as Commedia dell' Arte. Commedia dell' Arte involved all kinds of emotion, and was popular among the poor, because it often characterized the lower class as the hero.
As time went on, Mime continued to develop, specifically, in the 1800's. Men such as Jacques Copeau, Etienne Decroux, and Jean-Louis Barrault helped such development. At this time, Mime began to take on many of the stereotypes that it is known for today. Well known conventions such white face paint, black and white striped shirts, and white gloves developed when a pivotal artist of mime named Marcel Marceau came on the scene.
( A picture of a typical contemporary mime, with many well-known conventions.)
Marceau was a student of Etienne Decroux. He had a very popular charachter named "Bip", who became the famous stereotype of what a Mime is.
Today, Mime is still considered a popular art form. Many places that you go, you will see street performers using different variations of Mime. Many television shows that you watch, you might see some form of slapstick humor that derived from early forms of Mime.
Mime is truly a fantastic form of dramatic art.
Mime is truly a fantastic form of dramatic art.
(This video shows a very skilled mime performing some well-known mime actions.)